Winter's Yearning

Greenland reckons with its Danish colonial past and the promised future by a U.S. company building a smelting plant, which could serve as the nation's first steps toward economic renewal and political sovereignty. (120 minutes)

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Wed, 5/29 at 6:00 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

How to Have an American Baby

A series of vignettes provide insight into Chinese tourists who travel to the U.S. to give birth in order to obtain citizenship for their babies. (120 minutes)

Wed, 5/29 at 11:00 pm on Austin PBS WORLD

How to Have an American Baby

A series of vignettes provide insight into Chinese tourists who travel to the U.S. to give birth in order to obtain citizenship for their babies. (120 minutes)

Thu, 5/30 at 7:00 am on Austin PBS WORLD

How to Have an American Baby

A series of vignettes provide insight into Chinese tourists who travel to the U.S. to give birth in order to obtain citizenship for their babies. (120 minutes)

Sat, 6/1 at 11:00 am on Austin PBS WORLD

How to Have an American Baby

A series of vignettes provide insight into Chinese tourists who travel to the U.S. to give birth in order to obtain citizenship for their babies. (120 minutes)